Water Solutions
Another challenge, another milestone, and another win for GI Aqua Tech!

GI Aqua Tech is examining the potential of improving wastewater treatment in the textile industry in Turkey and enhancing the efficiency and performance of its wastewater treatment procedure. 

The textile and dyeing industry is one of the most chemically intensive industries on earth and one of the top polluters of clean water. The traditional treatment procedures of its wastewater consume massive amounts of water, are highly costly, and come with many challenges. Textiles is one of the Turkish economy’s largest and best functioning sectors and has accounted for an average of 7% of GDP over the years. Turkey is the world’s fifth-largest export of textiles/apparel and the third-largest in Europe. Giving its environmental hazards, the industry needs swift solutions for its wastewater treatment process.

After plugging our wastewater treatment unit for one week, we have successfully provided a complete treatment process for the discharged water, substantially reduced the needed water consumption, and lowered energy use considerably with a minimum footprint and treatment duration. The astounding result was fully recycled wastewater ready for effective reuse. (blue cup, Dyed wastewater – clear cup, treated water)

Our innovation management framework is passing milestones. We are able to replicate such a treatment process in any geographic location for multiple industries. GI Aqua Tech’s technology is becoming an essential solution for the industrial wastewater market and provides sustainable and efficient management of water resources within the circular economy framework.