Water Solutions
Revolutionizing WWT in Latin America with our new team member Alfredo Urdaci!

As we gear up for our strategic expansion in Spanish-speaking countries, we see tremendous potential in leveraging the cutting-edge products and advantages of GI Aqua Tech and GNano technology to address critical challenges in the wastewater treatment sector.

We are delighted to welcome Alfredo Urdaci to the GI Aqua Tech team. We believe we are well-positioned to confront the challenges faced by Latin American countries, particularly in Mexico. Our focus remains on delivering sustainable and innovative solutions that will make a meaningful difference in local communities and the environment.

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https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7086999946737913856?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop: Revolutionizing WWT in Latin America with our new team member Alfredo Urdaci!